Friday, 25 September 2015

25 September 2015 Update - Delays and Schedule

Hello again everyone,

Due to my unexpected illness, we are currently two days behind schedule. However, don't worry, there will be no difference in when the videos get released.

We now have a solid schedule. I won't give away any of the games except for their first three letters (not counting words like 'the' or 'a'), to keep it a surprise:

THURSDAY 1 OCTOBER: Introduction to IGM15.
FRIDAY 2 OCTOBER: Game: Com...
FRIDAY 9 OCTOBER: Game: Adv...
FRIDAY 23 OCTOBER: Game: Exp...
FRIDAY 30 OCTOBER: Game: Con...
SUNDAY 1 NOVEMBER: Voting Begins for IGM15 (Votes Counted on 28 November 2015)
MONDAY 30 NOVEMBER: Results Announced, conclusion to IGM15.

These are subject to change without notice, however. Recording starts today, as I am trying to do as much as possible now before October comes, not only because there's a ton of stuff I'll end up doing, but I want to have as much time as possible to perfect my conclusion videos and figure out a voting system.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

20 September 2015 Update - Rest and Desolation

Hello once again everyone,

In case you haven't noticed, every five days we're going to have an update post. Sorry if that means you have to waste your time to read this. Anyways, I haven't been doing terribly much for Indie Games Month lately, as I've dedicated myself to rest in an attempt to get rid of this cold. So far it has been working, and I expect to be able to start recording by Wednesday. We're a little behind schedule, but I am confident we can make up for it.

As well, I have been devoting much of my time lately to explore the new region of The Long Dark, Desolation Point. I've been so busy filling my pockets with hacksaws and coal I have hardly had time to explore the whole region. Currently, I'm setting up a base in the lighthouse, which is a little too dark for me. I might leave some non-essential gear in the lighthouse and move somewhere else. When my resources run low in the other location, I will come find the gear I left behind in the lighthouse. So far, I have found six lanterns, three hacksaws, two firestarters, two axes, a rifle, and a heavy hammer, but as of yet I have been unable to find a crowbar to pry open those locked lockers and car trunks.

Anyways, I will have to step away from The Long Dark for a bit to do some Indie Games Month stuff. I promise you I won't sound too ridiculous when it comes time to record. Thank you very much, and you'll be hearing from me soon!

Wednesday, 16 September 2015


While I have had some good luck talking with developers to set up Indie Games Month 2015, I woke up this morning and realized I have some form of a cold. I guess it's the kind that stays out of your head but makes your throat awful. I am trying as hard as I can to get better not only because of my health, but because I can't talk for more than a few sentences at a time without losing my voice. So, let's hope we get some more good luck and that the bad luck happens after Indie Games Month 2015 is completed. Or, better yet, never.

Take care! We'll talk soon.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

15 September 2015 Update - Hashtags and Chats

Hello everyone! The last few days have been busy as they have been spent on chatting with developers. Currently, we have been approved to play four games throughout the month. Ultimately, I hope to increase that number to seven games. That way, we will end up with ten episodes, playing seven unique games. The other three episodes would be the introduction, voting, and winner of the voting. I have yet to set up exactly how the voting process will work.

If you can't wait for the 2015 Indie Games Month, have no fear: we have an official (well.... maybe not quite so official...) hashtag! If you use any social media that includes hashtags, use the hashtag #IGM15 to chat with others about this event! It's possible that your message may get included in an episode!

Well, that's it for now. I will keep trying to get more games for us to play, and in the meantime, use the hashtag #IGM15! Thank you, and we'll talk soon!

Sunday, 13 September 2015


Hello everyone, and welcome to the 2015 Indie Games Month blog. Here you'll see the progress of the most wonderful time of the year as it develops. You'll also see when the videos get posted, so keep this page safe in your bookmarks somewhere! Please note that any information in any posts is subject to change at any time without notice. Games may be removed, added, or replaced without any prior notice. Thank you, and have fun watching the 2015 Indie Games Month!